BOBBY DALL "I'm A Recovering Alcoholic And A Drug Addict"

Date April 18, 2017 / 7958 reads

In a recent interview with Green Bay Press-Gazette, Bobby Dall talked about Poison's first tour in five years with its original lineup, shooting the "Every Rose" video at BCVMA and getting older among other things. A few excerpts follow below.

On shooting the "Every Rose" video at BCVMA: "There's a scene where you see me where I'm wasted and I fall down, and I'm literally being picked up by my guy that worked for me at the time. His name was RV. That was filmed in Green Bay in that building right there along the football field. That scene, I am drunk and wasted in. That's not fake. That's my favorite scene of any that's ever been in any video, at least from back in that time. It's not what I would like to present myself as today, because I'm clean and sober and today."

On getting the original lineup on board for this tour: "It's very difficult to get this band to tour. Let's just say it like that."

On the rush of playing live: "I'm a recovering alcoholic and a drug addict, so my only adrenaline rush I have anymore is that stage. As far as the playing part goes, I love the hour onstage, and I love to work. Those are my two favorite passions in life beyond my children. They're No. 1. No. 1 is my children, No. 2 is my work ethic, and No. 3 is the adrenaline rush I get on that stage.That's the only high I get to have anymore. If we don't do it, I miss it very much. I do. It's not necessary for me to have it, either, let me just say it that way. God has been good to me. I have been blessed and graced. This band has won the lottery, and I hit my knees every day and pray and thank Him for that."

What he misses about the '80s: "What I miss about the '80s the music was about being fun. That's what this tour brings to the road. Between Def Leppard, Poison and Tesla you're going to hear... at least 25 Top 10 hits. We're calling it the Reunion Tour XXX. Technically, our 30th anniversary was last year, but we did not tour."

On everyone getting older: Dall started wearing glasses 10 years ago, but this is the first tour he has them on onstage. He needs them to be able to see the fans. "I do not like looking into a blur," he said. "I could play without them. It's not a matter of the playing. It's the simple fact of I want to see who I'm playing to."

You won't catch the 53-year-old complaining about wearing them. "I don't mind at all. I'm not trying to hide my age. I am who I am. The other members of my band are just as blind as me and they refuse to wear them."