BRET MICHAELS Doctors Put To Rest Medical-Condition Speculation

Date July 8, 2010 / 807 reads

According to a posting on POISON singer Bret Michaels' MySpace page, there have been "a few erroneous, false and irresponsible statements" recently spread on the Internet and one news station that Michaels' medical condition wasn't serious, real or life-threatening. Dr. Joseph Zabramski, MD, Bret's neurosurgeon at Barrow Neurological Institute states: "The fact is, the subarachnoid hemorrhage that Mr. Michaels suffered was very real, and very serious as was the T.I.A (warning stroke) and P.F.O., which will be operated on later this year. A subarachnoid hemorrhage is a life-threatening, neurosurgical emergency that requires an extensive work-up and management in the ICU to prevent re-bleeding and manage the complications associated with the initial hemorrhage. For anyone to speculate that this was not a life-threatening medical emergency is absolutely incorrect. Between 15 and 20 percent of patients die as a result of the initial hemorrhage, and only approximately 50 percent of those that survive have a good outcome. Recovery from subarachnoid hemorrhage is determined primarily by the size of the initial bleeding episode. Mr. Michaels quick reaction to the hemorrhage and immediate medical attention that followed aided in his ability to make a strong recovery and stop the brain hemorrhage before it caused severe and permanent brain damage. Mr. Michaels is fortunate to be alive after all that he has been through. Bret is truly one of the most determined individuals I have ever met when it comes to an attempt at making a full recovery."

Dr. Greg Gonzaba, whose team treated Michaels for the appendicitis in San Antonio. states: "When I arrived I found Mr. Michaels to be acutely distressed, upon my examination I concluded he was suffering from an 'acute abdomen,' a medical diagnosis suspicious for a serious, potentially fatal abdominal problem, such as appendicitis, cholecystitis or possible diverticulitis. These conditions, if left untreated, could escalate to a potentially fatal problem such as organ rupture, sepsis/toxicity and eventually death by overwhelming infection, not to mention Mr. Michaels is a diabetic which could complicate the condition. For a news source to assume and state his condition was not serious is completely false and irresponsible."

Janna Elias, V.P. of Michaels Entertainment, states: "All people heal differently and while Bret may be out on the road and performing, he is still not 100[[%]]. He still has pain from the chemical meningitis, short-term memory loss and gets fatigued quicker than normal. Bret isn't by any means trying to put his health in jeopardy by being on the road. He simply feels that music is a powerful healer. For Bret to sit around and not live his life to the fullest would likely be more detrimental to his recovery then playing music. It is the same mindset as the lyrics to Tim McGraw's song 'Live Like You Were Dying'."
