BRET MICHAELS In Diabetic Rehab Facility

Date April 16, 2010 / 1599 reads

As reported, Bret Michaels was hospitalized earlier in the week for an emergency appendectomy. He is now being treated in a facility that specializes in rehabilitation for diabetes. His rep told People magazine:

"While the surgery went well and doctors are optimistic that the rocker will make a full recovery, the fact that he was exhausted due to his rigorous schedule prior to the surgery and coupled with the fact that he has diabetes, the surgery has taken its toll."

Diabetics frequently need special care when they become ill or undergo surgical procedures. Having a cold, the flu, or an infection can raise a diabetic's blood glucose levels. This can lead to serious health problems including diabetic coma if the blood glucose levels are very high. The main concern right now is that he is able to rest, recover and maintain good blood sugar levels while doing so.

It is unclear at this time exactly how many of Michaels tour dates will have to be moved, however it has been noted that the singers dates through April 24th are currently being rescheduled and new dates should be posted to his website soon.

The Risks Diabetics Face After Surgery:

* Hyperglycemia (high blood glucose) or hypoglycemia (low blood glucose)
* Poor wound healing, slow wound healing, weak skin and tissue at site of surgery
* Infection, including infection of the wound, pneumonia, urinary tract infection or sepsis
* Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)
* Electrolyte imbalance- A condition where electrolyte levels (sodium, potassium) rise or fall significantly, which can cause significant problems with the heart and the body's fluid levels.