BRET MICHAELS Markets Movie Online

Date September 16, 1997 / 520 reads

Source: MTV Online http://www.mtv.com
Courtesy of Scott from Oregon, USA

September 16 [14:00 EDT] --
The release of the Bret Michaels-Charlie Sheen movie, "A Letter From Death Row" has been delayed until January, but the Sheen-Michaels Entertainment website ( at www.sheen-michaels.com) is selling a "director's cut" on video.

The soundtrack doubles as Michaels' new solo album, a that project that has been delayed as well. The album, his first without his band, Poison, was originally scheduled for release this week, the movie was on the sheets for Halloween. Email from Michaels attributed the delay to the company "looking for the best deal."

The tapes, selling for roughly $30, will be delivered 30-days before the theatrical (or cable) release date.

A talk show host in Philadelphia who has a part in the film told listeners he recently saw the flick at a screening in Nashville and that it had the feel of a 90-minute rock video. He added that he thought the project was now being sold to Showtime. The low-budget production stars Michaels, his girlfriend Kristi Gibson, 'Charles' Sheen and his famous father Martin.

Michaels debut solo performance at Billboard Live in Los Angeles last month was also supposed to have been the launch of the newish Sheen-Michaels company, but Sheen was a no-show. Michaels' email said the actor hadn't been feeling well. Sheen had also missed an appearance on Jay Leno's Tonight Show the previous day he says due to "limo problems."

The Sheen-Michaels site lists three other films in the works. The "Last Child," with Michaels and Luke Perry is described as an action packed thriller about media cover-up and CIA. "Free Money" is said to be a dark comedy starring Marlon Brando as a prison warden. And "Street Pirates" is listed as a true story by Emmy-winning filmmaker Lee Stanley.

Michaels is also said to be writing and rehearsing with Poison including the returning guitarist C.C. DeVille.