BRET MICHAELS "The show with my solo band is a little more raw than POISON"

Date October 15, 2011 / 1089 reads

Erik Ofgang of VegasAllNight.com recently conducted an interview with Bret Michaels. A few excerpts from the chat follow:

EO: What is your current show like/ what can fans expect to see?

BM: I?m out on my "Get Your Rock On" solo tour right now and it?s been a blast so far. The show is stripped down and a little more raw than Poison. We just give it to the crowd 1000 percent without the pyrotechnics. It?s a more personal vibe, I talk a little bit about the songs and the stories behind them, because there are always stories and they are so much fun to share with the fans- we?re like an electric version of ?Storytellers? (a VH1 show) with a lot of energy. I play all the hits from both Poison and my solo career as well as some cover stuff that meant a lot to me growing up. The show is a ton of fun, and I?m just so stoked to get up there and perform each night. It?s really a great time for me, out here right now.
