BRET MICHAELS To Have Heart Surgery In Fall

Date May 26, 2010 / 763 reads

In his interview with Access Hollywood, Bret Michaels revealed he will be having heart surgery this fall to repair the hole in his heart.

"They have to let everything clear out and then they?ll go in and do the operation in my heart and then I?m gonna be great," Michaels, 47, said. "I don?t have any other options except to think that it?s gonna be great, it?s gonna be a smooth operation and I?m gonna feel awesome."

Michaels will need to wait until the medications clear his system after his recent health issues.

"I?ve never felt pain like that ever," Michaels said of his brain hemorrhage. "I got knocked out at the Tonys by a wall and it didn?t feel half as bad as that did."

For now, Bret wants to just enjoy his ?Celebrity Apprentice win.

"I want to have a Rock of Love style party right at this moment, but I think I?m just going to hang with my friends and be a little low-key unfortunately for a couple more weeks," he stated.

"I?m feeling a little beat up, but I feel great," he continued. "I?m just glad to be here, and I?m really glad that I won ? and you have no idea ? inside my soul ? how bad I want to throw down and party right now!"
