C.C.DEVILLE "I Will Remember 90s As The Death And Birth Of My Life"

Date August 4, 2000 / 518 reads

DrDrew.com conducted the following interview with C.C.DeVille.

drDrew.com: What's your favorite thing to do when no one else is around?
C.C. Deville: Sing. I like to write, too. I don't know if it's my favorite thing, but it's one of the only things I can do when I'm alone.

drDrew.com: Name a guilty pleasure.
CCD: Sweets. I run eight miles a day just to contain my sweet tooth.

drDrew.com: What's your greatest fear?
CCD: My greatest fear is dying and being aware [that it's happening].

drDrew.com: What's your favorite part of your body?
CCD: My arms.

drDrew.com: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
CCD: My nose-I'd get a nose job right away.

drDrew.com: What was your worst day job?
CCD: I was a messenger in a script service.

drDrew.com: What's your idea of perfect happiness?
CCD: Whatever God has in store for me, I'll take. I'm scared that God will hear me if I say, "This is what my perfect happiness is." And then if he grants me it, and the past is any indication, I'll fuck it up.

drDrew.com: What's something you're good at that's totally useless?
CCD: Trivia.

drDrew.com: Name your favorite fictional character.
CCD: Norma Desmond.

drDrew.com: What historical figure do you most identify with?
CCD: I don't know if I identified with him, but I really loved FDR.

drDrew.com: Tell us about your most memorable celebrity encounter.
CCD: I became friends with Sam Kinison, and there was never a dull moment with Sam.

drDrew.com: Who would you trade places with for a day?
CCD: Paul McCartney.

drDrew.com: What song best represents the soundtrack of your life?
CCD: "The Long and Winding Road" is fine with me. "God Only Knows" by the Beach Boys is also fine with me.

drDrew.com: As a kid, who did you imitate when you stood in front of the mirror?
CCD: Jimmy Page

drDrew.com: What's your motto?
CCD: Seize the day.

drDrew.com: Name a book that you've read recently and liked.
CCD: Fortunate Son: The Autobiography of Lewis B. Puller, Jr.

drDrew.com: Name a film that you've seen recently and liked.
CCD: Swimming with Sharks.

drDrew.com: Name an album that you've heard recently and like.
CCD: Robbie Williams' Millennium and Counting Crows' This Desert Life.

drDrew.com: Finish this line: "If we can put a man on the moon, then why."
CCD: ".can't we invent some kind of food that has no calories and tastes great?"

drDrew.com: What will you remember most about the '90s?
CCD: The death and birth of my life.