RIKKI ROCKETT Announces New POISON Realease

Date December 12, 1999 / 414 reads

The following is a message from Rikki Rockett:
Its lookin like Poison will be in the studio over the holidays. Along with Producer Bob Ezrin, Poison plans to assemble some new tracks for the upcoming new Poison release featuring live tracks from this past summer tour and some brand new tracks. There is no official press release as of yet as negotiations are not 100% final for the release. The info will be at: www.poisonweb.com as soon as everything is finalised. (Please dont e-mail about it, it will be on the Poisonweb site when I know.) Also, the "Def Lep / Poison New Years" looks like it wont happen due to the recording project. However, negotiations continue for tour plans with Poison and Def Leppard for several summer shows in 2000. We here at Poison Central think that would be very cool.