Rikki Rockett was interviewed by Mitch Lafon of Bravewords.com. A few excerpts follow:
BW: What would you like to play on tour?
RR: "I'd like to do everything. Obviously, we have to keep our hits in there because people want that, but I would probably open up with Let Me Go To The Show, drag some of the older stuff out and just challenge ourselves a little bit more. Motley is going to have a bigger show because they're headlining, so I'd rather focus on our songs and what the fans really want. I've been reading on Facebook what the fans really want and they want something different in the set (...) Do all different stuff to what we've been doing over the last years. Leave out all the cover songs and just do Poison songs."
BW: You could just play the entire first album from start to finish and you're done...
RR: "I would love for us to book a couple of special shows where we just go and do the whole Look What The Cat Dragged In album. Then, in the encores, we could do a couple of the other hits from the later records, but just cover Cat from top to bottom (...) That's exactly what I've been trying to get the band to do."
BW: Isn't it time for a new Poison album?
RR: "That's what I wanted to do this past summer quite honestly and then we could be going out on this tour with a new record. It's never to late to make a new record in my opinion and maybe it would be really good to do it after we come off of this. We could go back out headlining next year with a new record. I'd love that. It's time... it's time."
BW: As for Poison, what can fans expect apart from concerts?
RR: "It's up to us to make a record. We're in control of that and that's what would turn the corner for me."
BW: It's long overdue... Will you make another solo album to keep the creative juices flowing?
RR: "I'm going to continue to try and convince the band to do another Poison album, but I, for the first time, have decided to think about working on a side project. I really want to do something and I've been talking to a few people and if this tour didn't happen that's what I'd be doing this summer. Obviously, I'm going to have to put it on hold for a little while. I'm all about keeping the focus on Poison, but if Poison is not working next year then that's what I'm going to be doing. I've never stepped outside of Poison and tried something in a serious way, but if I do ? I'm going to give it everything. I'm not going to half-ass it..."
BW: By side project ? do you mean another solo album or a new band?
RR: "It'll be a new band. The solo record was a fun project, but as a solo artist I wouldn't go out and make a covers record. I would make an album of songs that I wrote."
BW: As far as touring goes ? you're essentially a US-only band. You don't head over to Asia, Europe or Australia often if at all. Is there a plan to hit those markets this year or next?
RR: "There's an offer for a couple of shows in Australia, but I don't know that we could afford to make it make sense right now. You have to put together a proper tour. We don't want to go over there and disappoint people."
BW: Does Poison continue forever and do the occasional tour here and there or is there a five year plan to retirement?
RR: "At this point, we have no desire to quit."