RIKKI ROCKETT "We Never Set Out To Be A Metal Band"

Date February 12, 2008 / 372 reads

Gus Griesinger of Glam-Metal.com recently conducted an interview with POISON drummer Rikki Rockett. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow:

Glam-Metal.com: POISON are a staple of touring just about every summer since 2001. Do you like the commitment every year to POISON or would you like to do some of your other projects instead?

Rikki: I'm very thankful for POISON! If it wasn't for POISON, I wouldn't be able to do all this stuff. I'd just be dreaming about it or still trying to work for it. It's a double-edged sword. Once in a while I like to say "Hey let's take a year off for something?" As long as it's there, I got to go out and do it.

Glam-Metal.com: You already stated that you're going back out on tour this summer. What about the possibility of any new material from you guys?

Rikki: I would love it, but Bret's doing the "Rock of Love" thing right now and there is just no time before a summer tour.

Glam-Metal.com: I wasn't just asking about before this tour I meant soon or maybe in the fall? "Hollyweird" was the last release of new material (in 2002) and greatest hits or covers packages were released since then.

Rikki: I hope so! There's a DVD coming out from the show in St. Louis from the last tour for HD Net (hopefully before the tour.) As for new material? I am so ready to do something new! I love to get up on stage and play something new.

Glam-Metal.com: You are a well-known animal rights activist. What is your absolute favorite charity that you love to be involved in?

Rikki: Probably The Last Chance For Animals who I've been involved with for many years. There are so many that are important. I always tell people, "look what inspires you" or "look what you have a soft spot in your heart for" and start hope with that! For me, it's pet theft and selling for lab experimentations. I like to do undercover work, but I really can't because I'm too well known. That's my main thing. I think stealing animals and selling them to research labs is something I'm totally against!

Glam-Metal.com: OK, what are your opinions of Bret Michaels' "Rock of Love"?

Rikki: I think it's fun, but it's not for me. It does bring a lot of attention to POISON, so that's cool! I couldn't do it. I'm not wired like that. It's doing well and he's having a great time with it.

Glam-Metal.com: What is the biggest misconception of POISON?

Rikki: I'm really tired of how people are wrapped up in one aspect of who we are. I'm still judged on what I looked like in 1986 and what I played like in 1986. I think we're a whole lot different than that now. I made a mistake of staying too humble in the beginning. I said "We're not the best players in the world and were just out there doing our thing" and that got taken to: Aha!! They suck!! They admit it kind of thing. And the whole "hair metal" thing was like, "They aren't metal enough!" We never set out to be a "metal" band. We were a "rock 'n roll" band! We wanted to be AEROSMITH. We wanted to be KISS. Those were our influences. Our influences were not IRON MAIDEN even know I love IRON MAIDEN. I didn't want to be IRON MAIDEN, I wanted to be AEROSMITH! So POISON not being "metal" enough is stupid! So while when we got crowned this "hair metal" band, it never felt good!
